Automated Matching


Automatically match users with the best resources, organizations, or users based on their responses to questions that you set

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Automated Matching

About this Feature

EcoMaps curate a high-volume of data that is relevant to your ecosystem, but sometimes this data can be overwhelming for users who aren't sure what they need. With Automated Matching, users can respond to a series of questions by selecting Keywords. Their responses are used to automatically recommend Resources, Support Organizations, Employers, Candidates, Jobs, and more. Users can review these recommendations, learn more about them, and track whether or not they have engaged with an Organization, Resource, Job, or Person.

The best part? As Admins, you can customize the questions Users answer. A user's responses then match them with relevant items. Plus, our algorithms will automatically adapt to match on the Keywords that you have selected.

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EcoBot is both a EcoMap Feature & Standalone Product

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