How Information Access Empowers

Industry & Sector Ecosystems

Every industry is a complex ecosystem of businesses, entrepreneurs, investors, corporate partners, and more - here's how to stay on top of what's happening in your industry

The Goal

Foundations of an Effective Industry Ecosystem

Information is Accessible

Information about the business, corporate partners, funders and opportunities throughout the ecosystem must be easy to access in real time

Business Decisions are Data-Driven

From deciding which new products to launch to understanding what your competitors are doing, having real-time industry data is paramount

It's Easy to Make Connections

There must be an easy way for new people and organizations to get connected into the ecosystem and pathways to deepen existing relationships

Information is Accessible

Effective Industry Ecosystems Require Real-Time Access to Information

Industry Ecosystems are rapidly-changing networks of entrepreneurs, businesses, corporate partners, resources, and endless activity. Unless information about these assets is easy-to-access, it's hard to stay on top of industry trends, find the right partners at the right time, and take advantage of new opportunities

Startups & Small Businesses

Events & Recent News

RFPs & Contract Opportunities

Jobs & Internships

Resources & Programs

Corporate Partners

EcoMap pre-populates detailed data about all of the assets in your ecosystem, so you can turn this invisible network into an interactive source of information

Business Decisions are Data-Driven

To Make Good Business Decisions, You Need Good Industry Data

To make the best business decisions, you need to know what the rest of the industry is doing. This starts with robust, comprehensive data of the other players, programs, and recent moves in your sector

Analytics - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Understand the Major Players

To understand the landscape of your industry, it helps to do a comprehensive "map" of all the startups, established players, and corporate partners in the sector. Sound like a lot? We can do this for you.

User Icon - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Stay on Top of Industry News

Monitor the biggest research developments, breaking news, upcoming conferences, and other activity that is core to proactively engaging and leveraging your industry

Filter - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Mobilize the Industry to Move Forward

Bring together different members of the industry to form partnerships, create coalitions, and drive initiatives that move the sector forward

It's Easy to Make Connections

Make it Easy for People to Engage the Ecosystem

One of the biggest impediments to growing a strong industry association is people not knowing how to get involved. Create clear pathways for how new people and businesses can engage with your organization and the broader network

Here are some important entry points you can create:

Remote - Saasplex X Webflow Template
Centralized Website or Platform
AI Analytics - Saasplex X Webflow Template
Custom Ecosystem Chatbot Assistant
Live - Saasplex X Webflow Template
Recurring Events &  Meetups
Career Growth - Saasplex X Webflow Template
Real-Life Ecosystem Navigators
Solutions for Ecosystems

Technology to Power your Industry Ecosystem

To stay on top of your industry, you have to understand who is building what, who is partnering together, and what the most recent news is - but you don't have to stay on top of this alone