1-1 Support Hub

Feature Package

Help users navigate your ecosystem through direct, personalized support provided by Admins or other designated Case Managers within your community.

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1-1 Support Hub

About this Feature

Provide individualized support to members of your ecosystem through robust case management, tasks, custom surveys, and content recommendation tools. The 1-1 Support Hub lets you - or designated Case Managers within your community - provide intensive, personalized support to members of your ecosystem through: 

  1. Fully customizable Intake, Check-In, and Exit Surveys
  2. User Case Files with a history of requests, tasks, and user progress
  3. A shared content hub of all resources recommended to the user
  4. A configurable Notification System so you never miss a beat

Use the 1-1 Support Hub to...

  • Support educational and acceleration programs
  • Provide customized recommendations to members
  • Enable shared progress tracking across your ecosystem
  • Help business owners navigate local resources
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Features Included in this Package

Dynamic User Surveys

Dynamic User Surveys

Create custom surveys for users to learn more about their needs or measure progress in your ecosystem

Program Management

Program Management

Provide direct, custom, & intensive support to users as they navigate the ecosystem

Notification System

Notification System

Never miss a beat with EcoMap's configurable notification system, which keeps both users and admins in sync through real-time email updates or weekly digests

User Case Files

User Case Files

Understand the history and progress of users through User Case files, which enable you to see the request and platform engagement history of a specific user