EcoBot: Custom Ecosystem Chatbot


Make it as easy as possible for users to access information about your ecosystem through a custom chatbot that responds with specific insights and resources from your ecosystem

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EcoBot: Custom Ecosystem Chatbot

About this Feature

Chatbots have fundamentally changed the way that people can access information. Unfortunately, the large chatbots such as ChatGPT are not good at generating real-time and ecosystem-specific information. The EcoBot marries the same  natural-conversation chatbot technology with our powerful ecosystem data curation, creating a chatbot that can respond to users with unique insights, recommendations, and resources from your ecosystem.

This allows users to ask questions or provide natural statements, such as:

  • "I need funding to open a coffee shop"
  • "I don't understand which permits I need"
  • "I am looking for advice about small business marketing"

And receive curated responses based off of data from your ecosystem. EcoMap is the only company on the market who is able to offer ecosystem-specific chatbots, thanks to our proprietary ecosystem-data curation capabilities.

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EcoBot is both a EcoMap Feature & Standalone Product

Learn more on the EcoBot Product Page

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